Last updated: May 2021
There are few things as elementally important as clean air.
Each of us takes up to 30,000 breaths a day. What our bodies want is oxygen, but what we actually inhale often contains all sorts of less-than-good stuff. This is especially true of our indoor air, where a wide variety of contaminants can accumulate.
Regarding the Coronavirus and Other Viruses
Right now, the thing we are probably most worried about breathing in is coronavirus! So, do air filters kill coronavirus?
Austin air filters contain true medical grade HEPA that removes 99.97% of all particles larger than 0.3 microns and 95% of all particles larger than 0.1 microns. Scientists say that the size of the new coronavirus is .125 microns, so yes, these filters do capture the virus. Moreover, experts say that the droplets the virus travels in measure at least 1 micron, which is easily captured by a HEPA filter.
We run two Austin filters in our home, and we have five in the warehouse.
Indoor air contaminants come in many forms, from floating particulates like pet dander and smoke to chemical vapors that off-gas from the materials our homes are built from and products we bring into them.
Because indoor air is essentially trapped, it cannot easily mix with fresh air and thus disperse these contaminants. Instead they tend to accumulate. (The same is true for viruses like the one that causes COVID-19; when the air is trapped inside, they accumulate.)
In cities, even the outdoor air can be laden with things like diesel particulates and other toxins. It eventually works its way indoors and mixes. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that there are ways to clean the air of a range of contaminants. We’ve written in the past about a variety of these methods, ranging from Moso bags to wool rugs to houseplants.
Unfortunately, all of the methods are passive, only affecting air that happens to pass over the plant/rug/Moso bag. This doesn’t make them useless–they are certainly better than nothing, and in our home we have found Moso bags to be truly effective against odor from our garbage can.
Passive filters like Moso bags are also are good for gasses and VOCs but are essentially useless against particulates, which can be particularly bad for our lungs.
So if we want a more active filter, there are five basic types of technology.
We’ve all heard this term (which stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance), but probably don’t know exactly what it means.
To be certified as HEPA, a filter must trap at least 99.97% of all particles larger than 0.3 microns. Many of the particles caught in a HEPA filter (including many chemicals) are so tiny they can’t be seen with the naked eye.
HEPA filters also trap mold, viruses (including the coronavirus), and bacteria, so they create a more sanitary environment. HEPA filters also trap larger particles that can cause lung irritation. (Side note: Make sure your vacuum cleaner is a HEPA-sealed model, too.)
Activated carbon filters are comprised of trillions of molecular-sized pores that have high absorbent and chemical bonding ability.
Activated carbon filters are highly effective at capturing pollutants like chemical emissions, gases, tobacco smoke, and odors. Once captured, these pollutants are not released back into the air.
Activated carbon filters are recommended for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) because they absorb formaldehyde, which is found in the adhesives used in carpeting, wood paneling, and upholstered furniture. They also trap fragrances as well as many chemicals found in household cleaning products.
Air purifiers using this technology have a UV lamp installed inside of them. As microorganisms pass by the UV rays radiated from the lamp, cellular damage destroys the microorganism.
Although UV technology is effective at killing viruses and bacteria, it is best used with a filter system ahead of the lamps. Without a filter system, too many microorganisms get shaded from the light by particulates.
4) Negative Ion Filters
Negative ion air filtering technology has proven to be less effective than others because it simply masks the polluted air as opposed to actually cleaning it.
This type of air purifier does not have the ability to absorb or dispose of the harmful contaminants in the air. The negative ion simply takes the airborne particles out of the air and transfers them to walls and other solid things in the room. When stuck to walls and other surfaces, they have the ability to become re-circulated back into the air. For this reason, I do not recommend negative ion filters.
5) Ozone Filters
Ozone air purifiers produce the gas ozone (O₃). Health professionals have refuted the claims made that these devices are safe, and no agency of the federal government has approved of these devices.
Exposure to ozone may ignite asthma symptoms, and at high enough level can even scar the lungs. Many of the chemicals found in indoor environments take months or years for ozone to react, making them virtually ineffective. Ozone does not remove particles such as dust and pollen. Obviously, I do not recommend ozone filters.
While some individuals may have a specific reason for investing in an ultraviolet or negative ion filtering unit, the vast majority of us need the air-scrubbing power of HEPA and activated charcoal. Those two combined do an excellent job of eliminating almost all of the common irritants/pollutants found in most homes, as well as bacteria and viruses like the coronavirus.
Austin Air: The Best Air Filters on the Market
Austin Air offers a line of robust filters that employ HEPA and activated carbon technologies teamed with fans that get the job done quickly and super effectively. For extra filtering power, Austin mixes their activated carbon with zeolite, a mineral with superior ability to trap toxic gases and odors such as formaldehyde, ammonias, and carbon monoxide.
Made in the U.S.A, Austin Air filters have garnered wide acceptance as one of the very best air filtration systems available. They are the only manufacturers to have their products designated as Medical Grade Air Purifiers, and the only manufacturer to successfully reduce asthma attacks and respiratory problems in a clinical trial. Johns Hopkins Hospital has chosen Austin Air medical grade air purifiers to conduct four clinical trials. Austin filters were selected by the Federal Government to provide the emergency air purifiers to the citizens of Anniston, Alabama, during the destruction of chemical weapons.
During the global pandemic of 2020, hundreds of hospitals, schools, and dental offices have relied on Austin Air to protect their spaces from the novel coronavirus.
An electric air filter works by moving air past the filters, and of course only the air that passes through a filter is affected. It’s a simple equation: the more air that passes through the filter, the cleaner the air stays.
While some companies make filter units that are super quiet, the fact is that moving air makes noise. To the extent that noise is lessened, filtering power is likewise lessened. This does not mean that filters need to be loud, but, especially when set on the high setting, filters sound exactly like what they are: a fan.
You can hear Maia’s Austin Air unit here.
Amaircare Roomaid filters are made in Canada and are perfect for actively reducing particulates and VOC’s inside of small spaces, like a nursery or inside your car. Amaircare filters can be purchased with a car-kit that let’s you plug into a lighter socket and hook the filter to a seat belt for extra safety.
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Some of the most toxic air is inside of our cars. Automobile interiors are notoriously toxic and some of us are stuck in our cars for hours per day. Extra special care should be taken to detox the air inside a car; especially a new car.
There are two other air filtration systems that we consider Good Stuff:
1) The Airpura T600 HEPA Air Purifier employs similar technology to Austin and is mostly targeted towards smoke, so if you’re a smoker or live with a smoker, this is one to consider. They are a bit pricier than Austin’s filters.
2) IQAir HealthPro Plus Air Purifier is another filter that meets our criteria, but it is also more expensive than Austin, and made for smaller spaces. Without a doubt, the IQ Air has an aesthetically-pleaseing design, but on the whole, we think Austin offers more for less money.
There are other decent air purification systems out there. Some are very slick looking, and some have interesting bells and whistles. But other than the ones that produce ozone, any filter is better than having no filter at all. We like the Austin because of the combination of proven robust filtering technology, quality construction, versatility, and price point.
Lots of you have asked about the Molekule air filter. While Molekule is marketed as a new technology, it’s roots go back quite a way. After taking a closer look at this brand, I remain concerned that the technology might not be as effective as the brands we’ve recommended above. In fact, Molekule recently was forced to retract most of their advertising claims.
Please ask your questions about air filters below.
Stay sane!
By John, Certified Holistic Health Coach
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View Comments
Hi John and Maia,
We own (3) Austin air purifiers and (2) IQAIR's. Both are simply amazing! I have MCS and they have saved my life from neighbor's outdoor laundry exhaust entering our home. The IQAIR is Swiss technology. It is programmable and has (6) speeds. It clears the air of harmful chemicals very quickly. A light indicates when filters need to be changed. The Austin Healthmate + is very efficacious at removing chemicals as well. The filters will be less expensive to replace than the IQAIR. Both are amazing. Thanks for this wonderful article and recommendations for clean(er) air in our homes and offices, too.
Thanks for your discussion of air filters. We love our soaring heart mattress, btw!
My question...what can you tell me about the German made Venta air humidifier/air purifier? Have you looked at them? -Joan
Hi Joan,
Thanks for the kind words about your Soaring Heart mattress! I knew you'd love it! We sure love ours.
Re: Venta Air Humidifier/Purifier
The reason that these are not high on my list is because they don't have a HEPA filter and appear to be designed to take away some amount of large-size particulates, but don't seem to address the more serious indoor toxins such as formaldehyde and other VOC's.
They do humidify, and that is good...but they suggest using a cleaner and a water treatment additive that may contain chemistry I'd prefer to not be exposed to.
They cost about the same as air filters with much, much better filtering power...
As for a great humidifier, we like this one...
what about the Air Doctor Pro ?
Hi John,
Any thoughts on Blueair brand?
Blueair makes a good filter. When we searched for a filter to offer our readers we liked Austin just a bit more. (Although I guess we could carry both!) Their credentials are stellar and the build-quality is very high. They also offer filters with both HEPA and HEGA technology. They are the only filter manufacturer we know of that offers this feature and we think it is head-and-shoulders above everything else.
HEGA is an acronym for "High Efficiency Gas Absorption". Originally developed by the British military as a defense against chemical warfare, HEGA is a carbon cloth filter. This carbon cloth is many times more efficient than the granular activated carbon form at adsorption of gaseous pollutants.
Any thoughts on the Ultra Hepa Air Doctor Pro?
Thank you for the great article. Your shop and email updates have been big factors in creating a healthy home environment for my family. My question: do you have any recommendations for less expensive air filters? If these pricier recommendations are the only ones you'd recommend, do they cover the entire house (let's say 2200 sq ft)?
Thank you for clarifying!
I was wondering about the square footage coverage as well..
Have you studied the new Dyson air filter that has just come out?
We haven't looked into this yet, but we will!
What do you guys feel about Guardian Angel with Active PCO Technology ( )
Thank you in advance. <<< Have you guys heard of this air purifier? We are thinking of this because they have monthly payments available at low cost
Molekule has created a lot of buzz around their product but for several reasons I remain skeptical.
1) They do not publish any independent test results to verify their claims. The only test results I can find on the web are from a study conducted and written by the owners of Molekule...hardly an unbiased source.
2) They say "Independent lab studies (tests they fail to show us) have shown 3.9 million E.Coli completely eliminated in a single pass through a Molekule system." What they do not tell us is how many E. Coli were in the air BEFORE passing through their filter. If the starting number was 100 million and they eliminated 4 million then they only eliminated 4% of the E. Coli.
3) An independent testing facility conducted a battery of tests on many different are purifiers. They asked Molecule to submit a unit for testing but Molecule declined. This testing facility has done considerable research and states: "Molekule advertises its technology as PECO—photo-electrochemical oxidation. It is a variant of photocatalytic oxidation, or PCO, which came to prominence in the 1990s, as a way of eliminating ethylene—a ripening agent naturally produced by fruit—in cold-storage fruit warehouses. In the early 2010s, a PCO home purifier, the Airocide, was introduced to great fanfare but deeply dubious results. Molekule’s PECO variant is 15 to 100 times faster than what we’ve seen before, but Molekule says (in our lengthy interviews and in its own literature) that the fundamental chemistry is similar if not identical."
4) Research conducted at the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory on Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) raises questions about the possibility of formaldehydes being produced as a byproduct of PCO.
5) Molekule cites the differences between their unit and HEPA filters. They say that HEPA filters do not remove VOC's, which is true, but Austin Air makes several filter units that combine true HEPA filters with very robust and effective VOC filters.
6) Molekule requires changing filters about 5 times per year at a cost of about $125 per year in filter replacements. The Austin Air only needs to have the filter changed every 5 years. Total cost per year $30-$100 depending on what model you have.
Thoughts on Levoit true HEPA bedroom air purifiers? We have been running these in our kids bedrooms for a few years and would love to know your take. Thank you!
Appreciate all you do to provide information on healthier living. I have been trying to decide on a house air filtration system and wondered what you thought about the whole house installed Amaircare 675?
I want to know if it will filter as well and an in room system because the it only is taken from the return air, which is in hallways in my home.