Until recently, I was nursing three kids: a newborn, a two-year-old, and a four-year-old. When other women hear this, the most common thing they say is, “Oh my gosh, I could never do that!” Moms often share stories about how they weaned their older child in anticipation of a new baby arriving. I don’t think nursing two or more kids is as hard as many people assume, but it’s also not for
attachment parenting
3 Reasons to Wear Your Baby That No One Ever Talks About
This post originally appeared in our blog on The Huffington Post. If you're a parent in 2013, you probably own a baby carrier or two. We've got a Moby, an Ergo, a BabyHawk and a BBslen, all of which were well-used during Felix's infancy and toddlerhood. (OK, I lied -- I could never get the hang of the BB Slen, even though I desperately wanted to be one of those Brooklyn moms who
Sleep Training for Attachment Parents
The following is an adaptation of an article that I recently wrote for Five Seasons Healing Acupuncture Why is it that pediatricians advise parents to sleep train their babies when they are 12 weeks old? Probably because it wouldn’t work before that—the baby wouldn’t learn to “self soothe” and the screaming process would repeat every night. Until they are around three months old, babies have no
My 2.5-Year-Old Is Sleeping Through the Night (Sorta)
As I've mentioned before, Felix still wasn't sleeping through the night after his second birthday, and it seemed like it wasn't going to happen any time soon. I love co-sleeping, and most nights, despite Felix's continued desire to nurse frequently, it has been a pleasant experience--although in truth there have been many nights that were miserable exceptions. Sleeping Without Nursing: An
My Two-Year-Old Doesn’t Sleep Through the Night
Felix is 25 months old and isn't sleeping through the night. And guess what? He never has. In fact, he’s never slept more than four hours without waking up to nurse. Most people don’t know this, because I’ve been in the closet about it for a long time. Here’s how it went: Felix Is 2 Weeks Old: People start asking me if my new baby is sleeping through the night. At this point, nighttime