If you’re a regular reader, you know how much I try to avoid processed sugar. I am very busy, and I like to keep my energy level consistent and high throughout the day, without resorting to caffeine. In the summer, I will sometimes have an ice cream cone, and even less often I will order a dessert in a restaurant. As a health coach, I advise my clients to limit their sweets, and to focus on
Grain-Free Chocolate Chunk Nut Butter Brownies
Just because Valentine's Day is over doesn't mean an end to Chocolate Month (aka February). These brownies, from the My New Roots cookbook, are so rich and yummy, and they don't contain gluten or grains of any kind. Warning: Don’t eat too many before bed or they might keep you up at night! This recipe makes 20 brownies. Grain and Gluten Free Chocolate Chunk
5 Ways to Get More Energy Without Coffee Or Sleep (And You’ll Lose Weight, Too)
As a health coach, I work with lots of busy moms--and most of them complain of feeling exhausted. While getting more and higher quality sleep is vital to feeling good during the day, there is a lot you can do with what and how you eat to give yourself more energy. Here are the tips that my clients tell me have been most helpful. 1. Eliminate packages and containers (read: processed foods). Many
Empowering Mom in the Morning with the Miracle Smoothie!
-By Suzanne ("Nana") Many of my clients are mothers of young children, and I often hear that they wish they had more energy. Relying on caffeine has its drawbacks. On this blog, I usually suggest recipes with kids in mind. Today, I am going to give you something that's JUST for moms. It's my go-to for a great day. The Miracle Smoothie A couple of years ago, my husband and I stumbled upon a