You guys, summer is really, finally here in our house--today was their first day out of school! I always look forward to this 10-week stretch of spending more time with my boys...until about three days into summer when said boys are fighting, the house is a mess, it's a gazillion degrees on the sticky streets of Brooklyn, and neither kid will fall asleep before 10:00 PM because it's so light
school-aged kids
Non-Toxic School Supplies
A lot of effort goes into keeping kids safe in school--from sprinkler systems to spongy “concrete” under the jungle gym. If you’re a reader of this blog, you are probably worried about other dangers—and specifically toxins--that might be found in your children’s school. Not all of this can be easily controlled, but you might as well send them to school with only the non-toxic school
5 Days of Healthy Packed Lunches
I hope you all are having a wonderfully relaxing holiday break! I always enjoy the week where my kids have lots of new stuff to play with from Christmas, and stop asking for screens! If you're like me, you're also spending this week getting organized--from new toy storage systems to winter gear organization to getting your various resolutions or intentions for 2018 set up for success. One
5 Strategies for Staying Healthy During the School Year
Every year when school starts, the runny noses and illnesses begin, too. I used to be a classroom teacher, and I saw it every year. Are you already fed up with the endless runny noses, coughs, and (worst of all) stomah bugs? Do you feel like you’re just bracing yourself for the next illness to strike your family? Do not despair! There are things you can do to help yourself and your family get
5 Simple Ways to Pack Healthy, Yummy Lunches
It’s that time of year again! The newness of back-to- school is wearing off, and my grown children have started to complain about how hard it can be to pack healthy, tasty lunches for their own kids. I remember getting discouraged when my kids were young. At one point, all they wanted for their lunches was bagels and cream cheese…every single day! If you’re in a lunch rut, too, read on for
Plastic-Free Lunch Packing Supplies for School
Can you believe it's already time to start thinking about back-to-school? I think some of you have may have even already started?! Talk about waaaaah! In my kids' public school in Brooklyn, teachers collect money at the beginning of the year to pay for supplies, which makes life easier for sure. All I have to buy in anticipation of school this year (besides clothing) is lunch packing gear. Of
10 Healthiest Packaged Snacks for Kids
My kids are big snackers, and they probably get it from me: I often skip dinner entirely (not good, I know!), and then spend the rest of the evening snacking---a bowl of cereal, some grapes, toast, or maybe if I'm feeling ambitious, a sliced cucumber with some feta cheese, drizzled with Olea Blue. I try to encourage my kids to sit down to three meals a day and keep snacking to a minimum, but
Resilience in Children: Why This Matters (And How to Make School Separation Easier!)
Over the last few years, there has been much attention drawn to this idea of "grit" as being a more important predictor of success than brains. I recently sat down with Inna Thomka, a licensed social worker with a decade of experience working with a diverse population, to discuss why grit, which she refers to as "resilience," matters so much and how we can foster it in our children. Maia James:
5 Fresh Strategies for Screen-Free Play
Kid-friendly activities are a big topic for my husband and me because we’re lucky enough to have four young grandsons who are a regular part of our lives. We’re always looking for ways to engage them, and often this means luring them away from the glow of screens! This is particularly true as the weather turns cooler and the days get shorter. I know that many of you face the same struggle, so I
5 Tips for Screen-Free Winter Play
As a parent, grandmother and educator, I have spent a lot of time around young children. I have observed that they are blessed with active imaginations. Active, creative play helps children learn about the world. We can support creative play by offering children toys and materials from nature and by making opportunities for them to spend time in nature—yes, even in the wintertime! We tend to