1. Beech-Nut organic varieties / 2. Happy Baby / 3. Sprout / 4. Plum Organics / 5. Ella’s Kitchen / 6. Once Upon a Farm / 7. Peter Rabbit Organics / 8. Serenity Kids / 9. White Leaf Provisions
Soon after Felix turned one, he finally started enjoying foods other than breast milk.
Unfortunately, by this point I was pretty burned out from preparing and then throwing away homemade pureed fruits and veggies that he refused to eat. With Wolfie I was way chiller and basically did baby-led weaning.
But back to 2010, when I discovered squeezy fruit/veggie baby food pouches sold everywhere.
Baby food pouches are much easier to handle than jars of food, and both my kids still enjoy them in packed lunches on occasion. In addition, they are probably more nutritious than jarred foods (more on this below).
My Favorite Baby Food Pouches
I’m partial to the 100% organic White Leaf Provisions baby food pouches because they are biodynamic. You’ll read more about this brand below, under “The Good Stuff.”
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A lot of you have asked about the recent studies on heavy metals in baby foods. Here’s the bottom line, in my opinion: If you avoid rice-based baby food and anything with fruit juice concentrate, you’ll eliminate most of the risk. Here’s a 2021 update.
The Problem with Baby Food Pouches
My only real issue with baby food pouches is that they are made of plastic.
All of the brands mentioned below use the same basic materials for their pouches, which is a combination of BPA-free polypropylene (this is the part that touches the food, and what the spout is made of) and foil.
Fortunately, polypropylene seems to be the safest type of plastic, and is probably non-toxic, but from an environmental perspective, it’s not ideal
Glass Jars Versus Plastic Baby Food Pouches
Safety & Nutrition
- According to the companies that use them, plastic pouches “better protect flavor and nutrients, and require lower, shorter heat times, one of the effects of which means we can naturally preserve…products without adding additives and preservatives.”
- Although pouches are free of BPA, substitutes for the chemical may be toxic as well.
- While glass is always the safest material, the lids of jarred food may contain BPA.
- Pouches are roughly ten times lighter than a classic glass jar, so they require that much less energy to produce and ship.
- Pouches cannot be recycled, but they use more than 75 percent less materials than traditional baby food containers.
- The spouts on the pouches are #2 plastic, which is recyclable.
The Good Stuff
Beech-Nut Baby Food Pouches
Beech-Nut recently went organic, and I assume this is a result of consumer demand–so, nice job! Beech-Nut makes mixed fruits, veggies, and some that just one ingredient like organic carrots or organic sweet potatoes.
Happy Baby Food Pouches
Many Happy Baby/Happy Tot blends contain vegetables and grains, including salba (a type of chia seed). The salmon used by Happy Baby is wild Alaskan. Note that some other Happy Baby snacks contain sugar (the yogurt snacks and some of their frozen kids’ meals). Happy Baby food pouches are widely available in grocery stores as well as on Amazon.
Sprout doesn’t use sugar in any of their pouches; and none of Sprouts products contain starchy fillers. I love that their grain blends contain actual whole grains (i.e., cooked quinoa instead of quinoa flour). Sprout also avoids all fruit concentrates. While Sprout offers a range of meat blends, they also have a Plant Protein line for those who prefer only vegan options, with vegetable-based proteins from organic chickpeas, lentils, and beans.
How to Get Some
Sprout pouches are available in many grocery stores, as well as on Amazon.
Plum Organics Baby Food Pouches
Felix always seemed to prefer the Plum flavors to all other brands, his favorite being the mango and pear. Some of the newer flavors include grains–such as oats and brown rice–or organic meat and dairy.
Water is often the first ingredient in Plum’s pouches, and it’s a little sneaky that the “grains” are actually grain flours (i.e., millet flour, oat flour, etc.) (One other bone I have to pick here: Some of Plum’s other toddler snacks contain sugar.)
How to Get Some
Plum Organics pouches are widely available in grocery stores, as well as on Amazon.
Ella’s Kitchen Baby Food Pouches
I like that the cardboard outer packaging (when you buy Ella’s in bulk) is 90 percent recycled and 100 percent recyclable. Some newer varieties include grains, yogurt, vegetables, and/or meat–honestly, pureed Vegetable & Lentil Bake in a pouch sounds pretty gross to me, but it’s definitely healthful! I love that even Ella’s cookies and biscuits for older kids are free of sugar.
How to Get Some
Here in New York, I can find Ella’s Organics in my neighborhood grocery store or at Whole Foods. They are also available on Amazon.
Once Upon a Farm
You’ve probably heard of this one, since it was co-founded by Jennifer Garner. I’m happy to say that Once Upon a Farm is legit Good Stuff!
What makes these blends unique is that they are cold pressed to lock in the nutrients, which means Once Upon a Farm pouches are always refrigerated.
How to Get Some
You can buy Once Upon a Farm pouches in select grocery stores and on Amazon.
Peter Rabbit Organics Baby Food Pouches
These were Felix’s favorite baby food pouches, and the apple/grape was his favorite flavor. Peter Rabbit never dilutes its purees with water, but some flavors contain juice concentrate in addition to fruit purees.
How to Get Some
You can buy Peter Rabbit Organics pouches in select grocery stores and on Amazon.
Serenity Kids
This new line of Paleo-inspired baby food. They use organic vegetables and grass-fed and pasture- raised meats. All blends are free of hormones, antibiotics, GMO’s, gluten, fillers, grain, dairy, corn, allergens, eggs, and nuts. I personally don’t think babies need to be eating meat at all but if you disagree, this is probably the best line there is! Use code GIMME15 for 15% off.
2021 update after the recent news about heavy metals in baby food: Serenity Kids is verified by the Clean Label Project, which has a very thorough and transparent vetting process. They even publish a 165-page document detailing the exact methodology they use for testing and the thresholds used. Dr. Hopkins verified that Clean Label Project sends all samples off to third party lab sites for testing.
White Leaf Provisions
White Leaf Provisions is my favorite line of baby food pouches–and the only brand we’ve chosen to carry in our online store. The reason?
White Leaf baby food pouches are even better than organic (although it IS organic), because they’re also Biodynamic. Biodynamic farms are built to integrate every living organism within the system, and aspires to transform and maximize the health and vitality of the farm’s every aspect. A biodynamic farm aims to produce everything on the premises, including seeds, fertilizers, natural control agents for pests and even feed for livestock.
Choose from a range of fruit and veggie blends–all of which are free of concentrates and fillers.
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The Bad Stuff: Less Healthy
Gerber is maybe the only brand that makes a non-organic version, so I’m calling that Bad Stuff. (Note that their organic pouches actually are fine!)
The Sneaky Stuff
Earth’s Best puree pouches, while appearing equal to the Good Stuff above, are not as clean. Even their simplest flavors (pears, for instance) are fortified with all sorts of stuff, including zinc sulfate, and citric acid. The yogurt varieties have fewer ingredients than the plain fruit/veggie blends.
Baby-Led Weaning
Proponents of baby-led weaning argue that babies should skip purees all together and go straight to “real” food as soon as they are ready to begin eating solids. There are tons of resources on baby-led weaning, and one good place to start is here.

Read our review of
frozen baby food.

Read our review of
jarred baby food.
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LP says
Love your site!
You may want to check out a company called Love Child Organics. As far as I can tell, they are the most “pure” of the baby food brands. Their starter purees have only one ingredient and don’t even include ascorbic acid or lemon juice. None of their snacks for babies under a year old have any added sugar or salt (they have great teething biscuits made with ancient grains).
I think the brand is more widely available in Canada, but I have friends in the US who still find it no problem.
Thanks again for all the great product advice!
Maia James says
Thanks for the suggestion! I will definitely look into this brand when I update this Safe Product Guide!
L'Orelle says
I follow a holistic nutritionist based in Canada, and she highly recommends this brand as well!
Rachel says
We noticed that our local Walmart has a Parent’s Choice pouch for only 88 cents. Know much about these and if you’d recommend them? My 1 year old LOVES pouches and it comforts me to know he is getting some food down.
Maia James says
Hi Rachel! I would not recommend this brand as it isn’t organic.
Thanks for reading and writing!
Sara says
Parent’s Choice now has organic pouches.
Katy Leute says
Yes! That’s why I was researching them too. It would amazing if there’s nothing sneaky in it because it’s so cheap!!
kim says
A comment regarding your baby led weaning note – it is really great, even with the process being messy and slow. However, that being said, we still have a toddler who loves his pouches, the convenience is quite great, and sometimes it’s the ONLY way he will eat his vegetables.
My only complaint with a lot of the pouches you mentioned in the ‘good stuff’ above is that few make vegetable-only flavored pouches. Aside from the starter ones, most of the blends always have fruit to sweeten it. While I’m not a Gerber person, their organic veggie pouches are often the only ones I can find with no added fruit! Any thoughts?
PS… love, love, love your website!!
Maia James says
Thanks, Kim! I’m sure the Gerber Organics ones are okay–this Guide is in need of an update, so when we do so, I’ll be sure look for veggie only brands. Thanks for your comment!
mary says
I know you love your baby, but have you tried to live on a diet of these foods…….I mean really survive on them???
they give me reflux……..more and a whole box of Magnum ice cream…..
something is not right.
Michelle says
My son loved the pouches, starting at around 9 months when he became interested in foods other than breastmilk, I think also because of the sucking factor, but they almost all contain either lemon juice or ascorbic acid as a preservative and we knew ascorbic acid was a reflux aggravator, but also lemon juice upset his stomach as well. I stopped giving him the pouches by 1year, because they seemed to be compounding his stomach/reflux issues which we had worked so hard to reduce. They are convenient, but like most snack foods, I don’t think they are particularly good to be eating on a regular basis, even if they are organic, etc. And fyi, 90% of the ascorbic acid that is produced is made in china and made by synthesizing it from sugar. Any pouches that contain ascorbic acid should be avoided, even if they are organic.
Irene says
I’ve read a lot of your blog posts now about avoiding plastics #3, 6 and 7. I recently purchased a Vitamix thinking, “Yay, great way to get organic greens into my very picky toddler’s diet and wean him off those pouches!” However, while Vitamix claims the pitcher is BPA free, I recently looked inside the pitcher to see a #7 stamped inside. *Angry face*. So now what do I do? Ditch the Vitamix or don’t make green smoothies every other day? Stick with a glass low power blender?
Maia James says
I know, this is really annoying, isn’t it?! Some of us here at Gimme the Good Stuff do use a Vitamix. Just keep hot stuff out of it, and transfer it to glass quickly!
Kary says
I bought a stainless steel jar made by Waring that fits perfectly onto the Vitamix. We use it for any hot stuff we’re blending (soups or coffee drinks). We still use the Vitamix plastic one for cold smoothies though – it’s nice to be able to see how well things are blending and I think the Vitamix blades are better.
Amy says
GoGo Squeez does have USDA Organic applesauce and organic fruit/veggie pouches and they are BPA Free. Just wanted to let you know.
Maia James says
Yes! I recently noticed that they’ve gone organic:). Will update when we revise this Guide!
Lien Phuong says
I don’t see GoGo Squeeze in the revision. Thoughts?
Shana Zubicek says
I am letting every mother out there know about the horrible time our family has had. At a year old we had our oldest daughter tested for lead and she came back at 9! After a year and a half of pulling hair and having everything thrown away and tested, our second daughter had a lead level if 7 soon after i started feeding her her sisters food pouches at 8 months. We stopped giving them and a month later Alanys is 3.8 and we are waiting for test results on Elsa. We used all sorts of different brands, but just the organic ones. I suspect it is the foil packaging. Please let others know. These need to be taken off the market.
Sherry says
What are your thoughts on reusable baby food pouches such as these ones? As far as I can tell they are made of PETE and HDPE.
I am leary of any type of plastic, sometimes I feel like unless I live in the middle of nowhere and live like a cave person I can’t completely avoid plastic. But if I can use the “safer” plastics when I truly have a need for something to be convenient then at least there’s minimal exposure right?
I have also came across these ones but not sure if they are made of the same materials.
Maia James says
The Healthy Planet pouches look fine to me. I wouldn’t be concerned about those plastics. I’m not familiar with the other pouches. And I can’t seem to find any listed ingredients, so I can’t really make a call on those. But I’ll add them to the list.
Chelsea Nash says
I’ve been reading about the dangers of aluminum and its connection to neurological diseases and disorders. My kids love pouches and we mainly buy Happy Baby, Peter Rabbit and Plum. It seems all pouches are made with both plastic and aluminum. I worry about the exposure to both. My kids usually eat 1-2 pouches per day! Do the exposure risks outweigh the positive benefits of feeding them organic fruits and vegetables via pouches?
Maia James says
The part that touches the food in those pouches is polypropylene, an inert plastic (as far as we know, anyway). I wouldn’t be overly concerned about it, but of course food served from glass would be preferable! I’d bet most kids (mine included) eat a pouch or two a day!
Stacia Goldberg says
Hi! What are your thoughts on the frozen Yummy Spoonfuls pouches? I know you listed the plastic container ones as good stuff. We bought a few at Target. My husband usually makes our baby food but we like to have some easily accessible ones for leaving the house and stuff. We use the clear Happy Baby ones sometimes as well. Thanks!
Maia James says
Frozen Yummy Spoonfuls is Good Stuff. We actually covered them in our review here: https://gimmethegoodstuff.org/safe-product-guides/best-frozen-food/
Caiti says
I heard that Plum Organics food and pouches are made in China. Does this impact your reviews at all?
Becky says
Hi there,
I’m getting ready to start my LO on stage 1 foods. Which brand do you prefer for being organic, non-gmo (if possible), bpa free. I’d prefer to use jars over pouches.
Any advice would be apperciated!
Maia James says
Here is where I’ve written about baby food (although the page is in need of an update! https://gimmethegoodstuff.org/safe-product-guides/jarred-food/)
Tobi Rubin says
What do you think of the Happy Baby adult product line, SHINE ORGANICS, for infant/toddlers?
On their website they actually have a link to Happy Baby under the FAQ that asks if kids can enjoy Shine Products. To me, despite not being a full meal with protein and whatnot, the Shine pouches seem a lot healthier than the Happy Baby ones. I have fed my girl them when she opts out of eating dinner – which generally is just what I eat. I figure at least she is getting some good stuff from these pouches?
Also, there is a relatively new line, Once Upon A Farm, that is Cold Pressed. I bought a box and they seem like a really great option for days when I don’t want to cook a super baby friendly healthy meal. Thoughts on this brand?
Maia James says
Hi there! Thanks for these suggestions. This guide is due for an update and we will include both of them when we do this.
Megan says
Hi! My name is Megan, I work with Once Upon A Farm. We would love for you to include us on an updated baby food review.
Maia James says
Hi Megan-
Please email me at maia@gimmethegoodstuff.org with some more info about your products!
Mom says
Seeing you are so concerned about plastics touching your child, I hope you cloth diaper and with only natural material diapers. Do you allow your child to touch toys, spoons, put anything at all in his mouth (including things made to be chewed on)? Those things are likely all plastic or have some sort of chemical on it. You also stated that the pouches aren’t recycled but there are a few brands of recyclable ones out there for making your own. Pouches are just the latest fad. It’ll go in and out several times over the years. Just like BLW will and like breastfeeding has. Everything that’s good for us today is bad for us next week. Some is science becoming more advanced and others is just philosophy/opinion.
Daniella says
I too found once upon a farm and would live your thoughts. It’s cold pressed, organic, no added sugars and they list the farms where the ingredients are from. It seems great! Please let me know what you think.
Maia James says
Looks awesome:).
Stephanie says
What about Holle pouches?
Brianne Barcomb says
Beechnut now has organic food. They too use the cold press cooking method. They do not use additives like ascorbic acid or lemon juice. I am interested in what you have to say about this new line.
Lina says
How about beechnut organic?
Gianne says
What do you think of Amara ? They’re organic dried baby food.
JenD says
Hi, I had been feeding my daughter Pumpkin Tree Peter Rabbit Organics snack pouches (making sure to avoid those with juice in them), BUT I just saw this on the Clean Label Project http://www.cleanlabelproject.org/product_category/pouches/page/7/ .. A lot were rated a 1 for heavy metal inclusion 🙁
Cynthia B. says
Thank you so much! I love coming to this site for suggestions on what’s safest for my baby. It’s so hard to find the “good stuff” with all these brands out there all claiming all to be “good” for your little one. I came across this short article though, and got concerned since “Sprout” is one of the brands listed on this post: http://newjersey.news12.com/story/36679736/study-most-baby-food-products-test-positive-for-arsenic
Jenny says
Was just about to post a similar question and see you and others are asking the same. I love this site too and have exclusively buying Sprout pouches when I can’t make something homemade or need an easy snack.
Stacy says
Hi, do you think your reviews of baby foods including puffs will change since the news story broke yesterday about foods containing BPA and arsenic? Sprouts and Happy Baby were on the list which has me in a panic because we feed our 8 month old the happy baby puffs and I have looked at their purees a few times.
Lital Gilboa says
Has this guide been updated? I too am a big fan of this website, and would love some guidance on navigating the puree pouch world in light of these recent studies. Thank you!
Annmarie says
Have you seen this new study that came out about baby jar foods and pouches as well as toddler snacks? It’s called the Clean Label Project. It’s changing the way I offer all snacks to my 2 year old!!
Stacy says
Hi, what are your thoughts on Little Spoon foods? I think they are rather new?
Carrie says
What do you think of the added vitmain E in Plum Organics Mighty 4 Tots? It says 30 percent. I know too much vitamin e can be toxic and my one year old is on toddler formula and sometimes has 2 of these a day
Olivia says
Could you report on Aldi’s Little Journey baby line? They have organic food pouches, diapers, wipes and more. I’d love to get yoyr take on them.
Aisling McDonagh says
Hello! Are there any reusable food pouches you recommend? I see loads on Amazon (ChooMe, Squooshi & WeeSprout). My almost 2-year old loves them for her daily yoghurt and snacks on the go (busy single, full time working NYC mama here!). Appreciate any insight you may have.
Thanks from Battery Park,
Jackie says
What are your thoughts on the most recent study? Every day is a new worry.
Sean BL says
I think this page needs to be updated in light of recent testing by Consumer Reports that found unacceptable levels of heavy metals in jars and pouches in most baby food, including organic ones. Here is the link to the report: https://www.consumerreports.org/food-safety/heavy-metals-in-baby-food/
I personally and tossing all my pouches, jars, and teething biscuits.
Maia says
Generally, the ones highest in concerning metals/arsenic are those with rice or rice powder, sweet potatoes, and apple juice.
Amy says
Another great thing about Once Upon a Farm is that they are partnered with Terracycle so you can order a postage paid return envelope from their site to return the used containers for them to recycle!
Julia Wilkinson Manley says
Our baby is on a keto-like diet for seizure control. Do you happen to know of any trust-worthy low carb packets? The Serenity Kids is likely the closest on your list, but I didn’t look at the label. Would be helpful to have packets I can easily stash in the diaper bag for emergencies or for days when I’m stressed to the max.
Batia Lavi says
Most pouch ingredients mention “fruit puree” and “vegetable puree” instead of whole food, which means the brand buys the food as pureed and then create their own flavor mix. All of that cooking and recooking and pasturizing must kill most of the nutrients and turn the food to sugar concentrates, any research on the actual benefits in the food?
Meghan says
Hi, I use the Earth’s Best pouches because they are the only ones I can find (although I will now check out Beech Nut) that have options that are just veggies, versus a mix of veggies and fruit, so there is about 10 grams less sugar in them. On the package the only ingredients listed are the two veggies and water. Are you saying that the other additives are in there but not required to be listed on the packaging? Thanks!
Karen Chiasson says
What do you think of the Love Child pouches?
Lisette says
hello. My baby is about to start food in a month. The recent toxicity report of baby foods is obviously very disconcerting. Are there any safe ones out there?