By John, Certified Holistic Health Coach
After the headlines about the water woes of Flint, Michigan, many of us were reminded of how lucky we are to be able to filter our water so that we can stop contaminants before they get to us.
Of course, lead-contaminated water is not a problem limited to Flint. The fact is, there are many cities and towns with lead pipes. If you are on a municipal water system anywhere in America, you stand a good chance of having pipes just like Flint’s somewhere in the system.
Besides that, almost all water in our homes/businesses flows through pipes that potentially leach other harmful chemicals. Add to that the various toxins found/added to most municipal water systems, and you realize there are very good reasons to filter your tap water.
Obviously, we’d all like to enjoy the best water quality possible, but the world of water-filter technology is confusing to navigate. Our readers often ask: How can I quickly learn what filter is best for my family’s needs? How can I be sure the filter I bought is doing what it claims to be doing?
I’ve been researching (and testing!) various types of water filters for decades now, so I’ll try to provide you with my understanding of this issue, and help you choose the best water filter for your family.
The most widely available and effective water filters are as follows:
There are other types of water filtration methods out there, but the above technologies are usually the simplest and most cost effective ways improve the water quality in your home.
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So how can we know if a particular filter manufacturer is producing effective water filters?
There are independent testing agencies that test contaminated water after it has passed through a test filter. If the filter removes all, or nearly all of the specified contaminants, it qualifies for certification. One of the best certifications is the NSF 53 Protocol. Filters that show positive results are granted certification and can be trusted, in my opinion.
What About Fluoride?
There is a significant debate about the ramifications of the use of fluoride in water. There seems to be science that lends validity to both sides of the discussion, but recent studies do suggest that fluoride may be harmful. We choose to filter the fluoride from our water, but we understand that others might take a different view, which is why we offer two options for filters.
You may have noticed that I did not talk about gravity filters like Brita in this post. Generally speaking, these types of filters reduce select chemicals and metals, but they mostly improve the appearance and taste of the water. We feel that to truly filter water, it is necessary to step up another level or two.
Most households need nothing more than a two-filter or three-filter system in order to have great, healthy water. We have found a small manufacturer to build us water filter systems that are simple, affordable, and effective. They’ve been making filters since 1989, and each system has options for either countertop or under-counter installation. These systems are NSW Protocol 53 Certified.
(Each of the above filters can be easily installed in about an hour or less and require no special tools or skills beyond those found in a typical household.)
Finally, it should be noted that chlorine (found in most water supplies) is as easily absorbed through our skin as it is through our stomach. For that reason, we also use a shower filter and a bathtub filter in our home.
Stay sane,
P.S. For the next three months, for every filter we sell, we are donating $10 to the Flint Water Fund, a nonprofit that is supplying the residents of Flint with safe water.
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View Comments
Hello John,
I wish I would have known of this site and knew you sold filtering systems before we purchased ours. We've had it for almost a year now and after reading this I'm beginning to wonder if we made the right choice , please help! We have the aquasana OPTIMH2O™ REVERSE OSMOSIS + CLARYUM®. Your thoughts on this? Thank you so much in advance !!
Do these filters significantly slow down the water pressure?
Hi Emily,
We get this question a lot. The short answer is no, these filters do not reduce water pressure. They will not effect the overall water pressure in a home any more than opening any faucet to the same flow might do.
Thanks for the question!
Where can we buy the three stages filter, what is the price of this devise, how often the cartridges need to be changed and what is the cost of the replacements. Thank you
Hi Graciela,
Here is where you can find the filter systems and prices...replacement filters run between $25 and $45 each.
You can purchase our 3 Stage Under-counter filter here:
You can purchase our 3 Stage Countertop filter here:
You can purchase the shower filter here:
You can purchase our bath ball filter here:
The filter cartridges in two of the three-stage should be changed every two to three years, depending on how much water you use. The fluoride filter is best to change annually.
We can supply you with the filter cartridges as you need them.
Let me know if you need any help placing an order.
That is cool that these water filtration systems are kind of like how our cells filter water in and out. I mean the names of the water filtration methods are even the same. I want to see what a semi-permeable membrane looks like in a filter. Out of all of these methods which one do you think is the most effective as a water filtration system?
Hi Patricia,
John from Gimme the Good Stuff here...
If by "effective" you mean: the most filtration for the least cost, then I suggest our 3 stage filter. This is what we all use in our homes.
It is available in both countertop and undercounter configurations and does a great job filtering a huge swath of the most common biological and chemical impurities/toxins while leaving the beneficial minerals intact.
They install easily, are reasonably priced, and filter a lot of water before the need to replace filter cartridges... which are also reasonably priced and easy to replace.
Feel free to contact me directly at
I'm happy to offer further guidance.
Thank you for the great information. We are renting a home in the DC area and the water here is very hard. Installing a water softener is not an option. Our baby has eczema and the more I bathe her, the worse her rash gets. All of us have very dry skin as well. Will the shower filter remove the minerals that are irritating and drying our skin?
Thank you!
I wasn't aware that reverse osmosis was a big water waster - that is a big downside for sure. Great information on different filtration methods, thanks for sharing!
I'm trying to understand the difference between your three stage water filter and the water filter I currently have which is a single filter that incorporates five stages in one housing. Its spec sheet claims this:
"The system conforms to NSF/ANSI 42 and 53 for specific performance claims as verified and substantiated by test data."
Hi Deborah,
John here...
Without knowing the exact filter you are using, the short answer is that a single 5 stage filter must try to "clean" the water with smaller amounts of each filter medium. This means that the water is exposed to each filtering medium for less time.
Depending on the medium, this may or may not effect the percentages of "pollutants" that are filtered.
With larger, dedicated filters, the effectiveness can increase and the filter cartridges ca last much longer.
Hi John,
When the time comes for me to change the fluoride filter do we just email you since this is not on your product shopping list or do you plan to add these items per Graciela's above comment?
Thank you,