Happy New Year! If you’re feeling a little sluggish and weighed down from the festive season, I’m right there with you! But I don’t believe that you need to go drastic after indulging during the holidays. A simple cleanse is enough to reset your body and get back to normal.
As always, I’m more interested in what you can add IN to your diet rather than what you might want to eliminate. Here are three things I’m adding into these first days of 2020.
1) Greens, greens, and more greens.
Leafy greens contain several crucial nutrients, like pyridoxine, folic acid, niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin. This time of year kale tops our list, since it even grows in the snow. Here are some wonderful ways to use kale.
2. Whole grains like quinoa or millet.
Quinoa contains almost twice as much fiber as most other grains, and fiber relieves constipation, lowers cholesterol and glucose levels, and aids weight loss. According to Donna Gates, author of The Body Ecology Diet, millet doesn’t feed pathogenic yeast like candida, and it acts as a prebiotic to promote important microflora in our inner ecosystems, provides serotonin to calm and soothe moods, and helps hydrate the colon. We love this millet burger recipe.
3. Morning liver tonic of warm water, lemon juice, and a touch of cayenne and turmeric.
Lemon is alkaline (good), tumeric is a powerful liver cleanser, and cayenne helps speed up metabolism. In general, drinking plenty of spring water (un-chlorinated, un-fluoridated) is key to healthy digestion. Here is some help with choosing a good filter.
BONUS: Take five minutes each day to do nothing but sit and breathe deeply. Good, deep breathing is key to a healthy immune and digestive system
To your health,
P.S. If you’d like more specific nutritional help, you can always contact me about setting up a complimentary health coaching call.
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