By John, Certified Holistic Health Coach
Here at Gimme the Good Stuff, we have quite a few friends and relatives in California. The current fire season has been especially devastating. At one point the Thomas fire (Ojai/Ventura) was burning at a rate of one acre per second!
My cousin lost his home and nearly everything he owned in the Santa Rosa fire. Another cousin is currently evacuated from her Ojai home. A dear old friend is likewise evacuated from her Ventura home, and the fire is now moving towards Santa Barbara where I have an elderly aunt.
Many of our readers and customers have also been affected by the fires, and they tell us that smoke is everywhere.
Depending on the wind, you can smell nothing one day and find it difficult to breathe the next! These fires leave behind a toxic mess, of which we have yet to have a complete understanding.
Our friend in Ojai writes, “Because it’s a valley, the air is off-the-charts hazardous; we won’t be going back until it clears, but even then I will definitely be running an air filter.”
If you or someone you love is in the path of these fires, please use code CALI10 for 10% off any of our air filters.
Other Ways to Help Fire Victims
While the news shows us luxury homes going up in flames, the reality is that these fires cut across all socio-economic lines. Some have great insurance and can rebuild. Many are not as lucky. Here are some ways to help.
If any of our readers has other good ideas about helping please post them on our Facebook page!
And of course, let’s not forget those brave folks who risk it all and work themselves to the bone trying to minimize the damage. We owe them our deepest gratitude.
Stay sane,
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